What is God's Goal for Us?
Is God's goal for us to get us to Heaven, or to make us like Christ?
The answer reveals what 1 John, James, and probably 95% of [what] the NT is all about.
The Commitment Salvationist [Lordship Salvationist] seems to think the answer is: A) To get us to Heaven.
The reason I say that is because the CS (Commitment Salvationist) evidently believes this since they always condition assurance of salvation (though [their apprehension of it can] never [be] 100% [IOW, certain]) on the old "tests of life" model for interpreting 1 John. If God's goal was only to get us to Heaven, then CS would be correct, and we all ought to just get to the fearful work of making absolutely, completely, totally sure that we have really, truly, undoubtedly committed it all to Christ so as to have the highest degree of assurance possible here on earth.
BUT, if God's goal is to make us like Christ, then salvation is simple & free because Christ paid it all! Therefore, we must get to the holy work of submitting to Christ out of a heart of love for His grace & let Him conform us to His image through a working faith, such as James teaches.
I like this alot. Thank you David!
The doctrine of the Perseverance of the Saints, espoused by LS, has a practical result of causing one to work hard in order to be assured that one is among the elect, therefore on the way to heaven.
Free Grace theology encourages one to endeavor for the purpose of developing intimacy with Christ that will transect into eternity. All Christians will be conformed to the image of Christ in eternity. For some (those who haven't whole-heartedly pursued sanctification) this event will be more painful than for others.