Herschel Hobbs on the Foreknowledge of God (Is this Old School Non-Calvinism?)
There are three principal positions in theology with regard to this doctrine. Calvinists hold that since God has willed what will happen in the future, he knows that it will happen. Arminians insist that while man is free, God knows his choices in advance. Socinians contend that God knows all that is knowable, but that events determined by man's free choice are unknowable.
Two questions arise out of the first and third positions. First, does God's foreknowledge of an event predetermine its occurence? The answer is 'no.' To foreknow an automobile accident does not cause it. God's foreknowledge of man's sin does not necessitate it. Or else it is not a matter of free choice, and it makes God the author of evil. God does not cause evil in any sense, nor does he will it. He permits it in that he does not stop it, therefore it must be, is to ignore the holy nature of God.
Second, does man's free choice rule out the foreknowledge of God? Those holding this view insist that foreknowledge is based upon a chain of antecedent events which determine the final result. That free choice is not determined by antecedent events, else it is not free choice. Therefore, God cannot foreknow the choice.
But God's omniscience is not serially obtained. "God knows immediately and directly without the need of inference from antecedent motives" (Mullins). Otherwise, God could not control and guide his universe to his purposeful ends. "Other wills, not his own would fix the corse of events and the destiny of his creatures" (Mullins). The Bible teaches that God does foreknow man's choices( cf. Job 1:8 ff.).
The New Testament uses of foreknowledge relate it to both sin and salvation. Foreknowing man's sin God had foreknowledge of the cross (Acts 2:23). But his foreknowledge did not itself cause them. Because he foreknew sin, he also foreknew the cross, his remedy for sin. Foreknowledge is also related to election (1 Peter 1:2). This refers to the election of individuals only in the sense that God foreknew who would receive or reject his provision for sin(cf. Rom. 8:29a). But even God's foreknowledge leaves man free and responsible in his choice.
Taken from What Baptists Believe, p.24-26
Herschel Hobbs was a past president of the Southern Baptist Convention.
(This is not a sign that I am in any way turning into a Baptist)
Awesome insight!
Jon Lee, at Wednesday, November 08, 2006 8:54:00 AM
I am glad you think so. It is a bit simple and I can think of a number of counter-arguments, but I think he was right.
God Bless
Matthew Celestine, at Wednesday, November 08, 2006 10:23:00 AM
"(This is not a sign that I am in any way turning into a Baptist)"
Thanks for clearing that bit up for us. I was worried.
burndive, at Wednesday, November 08, 2006 3:35:00 PM
Hey, good to see you, my fellow non-Baptist.
Matthew Celestine, at Thursday, November 09, 2006 6:54:00 AM
I find it amazing how those who try to explain the Bible can make things seem even more confusing.
Jim, at Thursday, November 09, 2006 7:51:00 AM
Do you think that excerpt is confusing? How?
Matthew Celestine, at Thursday, November 09, 2006 10:36:00 AM
Matthew, I re-read this post and actually it is quite clear. I would tend to find myself agreeing more with the second view.
How would you explain to a Calvinist that this is not simply an Arminian viewpoint?
Jim, at Friday, November 10, 2006 8:10:00 AM
I would ask her to define Arminianism.
I would then ask her to trace the history of Arminian theology.
If she could not do that credibly, I would recommend she did some more reading and then we could have the conversation another time.
Every Blessing in Christ
Matthew Celestine, at Friday, November 10, 2006 8:58:00 AM
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